If you like what we are doing here at How To Raise A Happy Genius and you would like to contribute, then read on to find out how.
If you would like to contribute to How To Raise A Happy Genius, we would be more than happy to hear from you. However, before you contact us, make sure you are familiar with our existing content and especially with our overall philosophy. We will only accept content which fits within our existing categories, and that you have full copyright ownership for (generally, this means it is okay if you have previously published it on your own blog or website, but not if you wrote it for someone else, or it has been published elsewhere). The types of contributions we accept are outlined below, along with information on how to submit them.
Please Note: If you wish to promote your own product (such as a book or blog), we are happy to consider this, but you cannot provide a review of your own product. Instead, please submit a guest blog post that is related to your product, and that is consistent with both our existing content and our overall philosophy. If you would like us to review your product, please click here to submit a product review request.
Guest Blog Posts:
If you would like to write a guest blog post, or submit a post that you have already written and posted somewhere else for re-blogging, please email contributions(at)howtoraiseahappygenius.com with the subject line: Guest Blog Post Proposal. We reserve the right to edit any guest blog posts that we receive (including inserting our own affiliate links for any products mentioned), but we will always check with you before we publish it to ensure you are happy with the final version. In addition, please ensure that you have the right to use any photos, pictures or videos you wish to include in your post.
Posts About Books, Games Or Other Products:
If you would like to submit a post about a book for parents, or a game, car game, book, app or other products for children, please submit your completed post for consideration. It is important that your post is written in a style that is consistent with other posts on our site and that it is formatted correctly, and we ask that you check out the existing posts in a category to see what the required format is. In particular, remember that you must provide a link for both Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk for any specific products mentioned in your post. Once you have completed your post (and formatted, reviewed and edited it!), please email it to contributions(at)howtoraiseahappygenius.com, with the subject line Post For Consideration, and we will consider it for publication on HowToRaiseAHappyGenius.com. You will hear back from us regardless of whether we accept it, but it may take us several weeks to do so, so please be patient. We do not pay for any of the above types of posts, but you will be fully credited for your work. In addition, we reserve the right to edit any posts you submit (including inserting our own affiliate links for any products mentioned), but we will always check with you before we publish it to ensure you are happy with the final version. In addition, please ensure that you have the right to use any photos, pictures or videos you wish to include in your post.
Posts For Other Categories:
If you would like to submit a post about parental skills, useful information for parents, core life skills or life lessons for kids, please submit a title and 200 word synopsis of the proposed article, along with a brief summary of any relevant information about yourself and/or your writing history, to contributions(at)howtoraiseahappygenius.com, with the subject line Post Proposal, and we will consider it further. We do not provide any advice about the format or type of information such posts should contain, as this will very much depend on the subject matter, and we may not accept your proposal, but you will hear back from us either way. Again it may take some time to reply to you, so please be patient. In addition, we reserve the right to edit any posts you submit (including inserting our own affiliate links for any products mentioned), but we will always check with you before we publish it to ensure you are happy with the final version. In addition, please ensure that you have the right to use any photos, pictures or videos you wish to include in your post. For these posts, you will not only be fully credited, but we will also pay a small honorarium of between US$10 and US$30, depending on the length of the submission (which will be agreed when we accept your proposed article). In order to receive this payment, you will be required to have a Paypal account.
Why do we pay for this last type of posts, but not others? The reason for this is quite straight-forward. Guest blog posts are generally written to help the author promote something (like their own blog, or a specific product – usually a book), so this is a quid pro quo arrangement where both we and the author gain from it. Posts about games, books, etc, are generally relatively short, and often constitute a review (even though they will be quite detailed), and these types of posts are generally provided for free across the internet. We also do not require sole publication rights, meaning that they can be reused elsewhere. Posts for other categories, however, are usually more detailed, require more research and will generally be specifically written for this blog, and we will require sole publication rights (in print or on the internet) for the first twelve months from the date of publication. As a result, it is only right that we pay something for them.
About The Author: This post was written by Colin Drysdale, the creator of How To Raise A Happy Genius