How Do Dinosaurs … are a series of books by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague. These books feature amazingly accurate pictures of a wide variety of real dinosaurs doing everyday tasks and actions, and are accompanied by well-written rhymes describing them. The series started with How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night in January 2003, but now includes books about playing with friends, going to school, learning to count and learning colours. As well as containing attractive pictures, and fun rhymes, the messages behind the stories help children learn what behaviours are expected of them in specific situations without being preachy or condescending.
Basic Book Information for How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? ISBN: 978-0007137282; Date of Publication: January 2003; Recommended Retail Price (RRP): £6.99/US$6.99; Number of pages: 32. Other books in the series have similar basic information. To see the full range of this books and purchase them in the UK, click here. To see the full range of this books and purchase them in the USA, click here.

An example of a full-page image from How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight by Jane Yolen and Mike Teague

The dinosaurs featured in the How Do Dinosaurs… books are all real dinosaurs and a page is provided at the beginning of each book to tell you their scientific names.
How Long Will It Take To Read One Of These Books? These books will take you approximately three minutes to read, but be prepared as you are likely to be asked to read it several times in a row!
What I Like About These Books? I love these books because of the quality of the drawings and the positive messages about how to behave in specific situations within the stories. The dinosaur images are all based on real dinosaurs and are accurately portrayed, meaning they also provide a great introduction to the science of dinosaurs themselves. However, there is also enough other stuff going on in them to keep any child entertained (you can have great fun getting your child to point out stray balls, family pets, books and the many other everyday items scattered around by the troublesome dinosaurs!)
What Core Life Skills Will They Help Develop? These books are great for developing observation skills, learning situation-appropriate behaviour, and learning colours and numbers. The use of realistic dinosaurs in the pictures also provides a gateway into an interest in science.
Links To Purchase Books In This Series
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About The Author: This post was written by Colin Drysdale, the creator of How To Raise A Happy Genius.
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