Legal Stuff

All the information provided by How To Raise A Happy Genius is provided on an as-is basis. This means that while we try our best to ensure it is correct, we make no claims that it actually is. This means you need to use your own common sense and judgement before acting on, or following any advice provided here. We also provide no guarantee that following our advice will actually help you to raise a child who will become a happy and successful adult. We’re pretty sure it will help, but since we cannot control how you implement it, it doesn’t come with any guarantees.

We are not medical professions, professional psychologists, psychiatrists, educators or financial experts, and we are not providing information on this basis. It is important that you seek appropriate independent advice if you feel that you need the services of such an individual.

We do not aim to store any information about our visitors beyond that submitted through our contact page and/or our newsletter sign up. However, we fund this site through the use of affiliate links and advertisements, and these will result in your use of our site being monitored by a third-party that we have no control over via cookies. Similarly, while we do our best to categorise the types of adverts you will see while using this site, we have no control over the exact nature of third-party adverts that are shown, and instead these are based on your own viewing habits. As a result, if you see something you feel is inappropriate, then this is usually because you, or someone else who uses your computer, as been looking at similar internet content elsewhere. This also means that the fact that an advert appears alongside one of our posts does not mean that we endorse that specific product, or that the makers of that product endorse what we are saying. Similarly, just because we recommend a specific product or web resource, this does not mean owners of that product or resource endorse what we have to say, and our recommendations remain fully independent of any third parties (i.e. we do not provide recommendations solely for the purpose of financial gain – we only provide recommendations to things we feel are genuinely good, beneficial and in line with our overall philosophy).

Finally, by using this site, you agree to the above terms and conditions, and that you full understand that we are only providing information: it is solely up to you to decide how best to use this information with your own children, In addition, you agree that we are not responsible for any financial, property or personal damages that result from this use of this information in any way, shape or form.

Unless otherwise stated, all posts and pages on this site are copyright of M. Drysdale.

All this having been said, enjoy the time you spend at How To Raise A Happy Genius!